‘How I survived sickle cell anaemia’
Alhaja Ashiata Onikoyi Laguda is one of those people born in a period when survival rate for children that had sickle cell anaemia (HbSS) was virtually zero. She was born in 1927, thus she will be 85 years old this year, making her the oldest person living with HbSS. And despite her old age and condition combined, she is still so strong that she walks about, climbs up and down the stairs to her first floor residence, lives alone, etc. Even though most people who have HbSS are unable to do strenuous jobs, Laguda worked for the army in the secretarial department and also involved herself in trading, a business which comes with a lot of mental and physical stress. That she is still alive today is an amazing feat. It was therefore important to meet with her to find out how she survived in a period that she should have been consumed. “Prior to my birth,” she disclosed, “my mother had had only one child who died soon afterwards. Before she could have me, it took her six and a hal...