Musicians whose careers nosedived after marriage
Marriage is one of the most important institutions in the world. It’s so important that it’s said that he who findeth a wife foundeth a good thing. But as good as marriage is supposedly, it seems that marriage and entertainment don’t really do well together. Entertainment is one sector that takes its practitioners away from home a lot. But marriage is a union that prefers those in it to be together at all times preferably. So how would an entertainer, male or female, take care of his, her marriage when he, she is away mostly? Because it’s not really easy to combine marriage with an entertainment profession, there are some entertainers who prefer not to get married at all, or in the alternative, marry late. These are the entertainers who do well in entertainment. They are not shackled by having to cater to spouses and kids so they are able to have all the ample time they need for their careers. Some of these set f entertainers, when asked about their marital plans, would say they’ve no ...