Demons tremble at my sight -King Olutanmole Agbaye

King Olutanmole Agbaye of the Kingdom of Heaven Mission is a very unique man of God. He says he is the Another Comforter who’s representing Jesus Christ on earth and that anyone who wants to be saved and delivered can only do so by accepting his rulership. 

Congrats on the successful staging of your annual festival this year. How do you feel about the success of this 22nd edition of your annual festival? 

I just have to thank the Lord. It’s a success that I think anything that God has ordained will be done in an ordained way. 

How easy or difficult was it to organize this particular edition? Would you say it was smooth sailing, or there were major hitches that you surmounted? 

It was smooth because this is the 22nd year anniversary of the 1,000 years reign of Christ in heaven, so it has been a very glorious event. 

What’s the essence of the festival? 

Well, we are celebrating, that is, Christians are celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ in December, and the month of April is to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus, and all these are works that took place long ago. They’ve all faded into remote history, and there still celebrations about them, but we’re talking about what is ongoing now. The 1,000 years reign has just commenced in 1993, and it’s too important to celebrate the reign of Christ Jesus who has suffered for our sake, who has been murdered just for the sake of the world. So, it’s the wish of the Father to exalt Him, and this is what we are celebrating, very important. It’s really indicative of what God wants us to understand, and to prepare for. Because we’re all going to die, to depart this world, and when we depart this world, where’re we going? 

You’re spreading the message that we’re in the age of Another Comforter, the representative of Jesus on earth now which is you. Do you think people are getting the message? 

We’ve just started. The age of the Another Comforter has just commenced. In the scriptures, Christ said, ‘I’m returning to the Father, and the world will see me no more,’ right, and then He said that He will send to the world Another Comforter, which is me now, the Another Comforter that the world now has to see, because they can’t see Jesus again. The Another Comforter is now in place of Jesus, and he has been empowered with all the virtues, all the power which the Father has given to the Son have been transferred to the Another Comforter. If you want joy, the Another Comforter dispenses it. We have suffering now in the world, so we need a Comforter, and that is me. 

Many Nigerians are very worried about the future of the country. What do you see for Nigeria? Will things get better or will we keep on being in this problematic state? 

Things are not going to get better. The Son of God was crucified on the wood of the cross. And because of that, the mother earth that swallowed the innocent blood of Jesus, is crying for vengeance, is demanding blood, that’s why we have this drought, that’s why all these things will continue, until the son of God, Christ Jesus, the message of the throne and the kingdom on earth, goes all around the world, until all around the whole world, people accept the gospel, that is all that can appease God and the mother earth. The throne we are talking about is the throne that God has ordained that Jesus Christ will be given a throne to rule, and I’m ruling, reigning on His behalf. 

Jesus passed through a lot of tribulations while He was on earth … 

(Cuts in) Because He was ordained to suffer on the cross. Are you experiencing such tribulations yourself? Do demons attack you to try and prevent you from carrying out your duties as the representative of Jesus Christ on earth? The demons tremble at my sight. I deliver people. People are in perfect safety as long as they abide by the sceptre of Jesus. It’s in the Bible, that in these end times, that He’ll give an iron rod for rulership. For as many that accept me, they’ll have perfect refuge and protection, so we’re not suffering, because Christ has done that. We’re now promoting the reign and the throne of God. And you don’t have suffering under God’s throne. It’s harmony, joy, comfort you have under God’s throne. It’s on the cross that you have suffering. Cross is meant for, is a symbol of agony, suffering, death and persecution. But we’re not talking about the cross now. We’re talking about the kingdom, about the throne of God. In God’s throne, we have comfort, we have protection, we have joy and peace and happiness, so we’re not experiencing any sort of tribulation, no. And there’s great tribulation coming upon all this world. The world should be in expectation of more dangerous calamities befalling the world. Because it’s in the Bible that judgement will commence in the House of God. The houses of God need to be delivered. The Church itself needs deliverance. All Christians need deliverance unto God’s throne. The throne is there. It’s the promise of God. God says He will give the throne, the throne of the Father, unto Jesus. So this is the throne now that is established on earth, for everyone that wants to escape judgement, all they’ve to do is come into the kingdom and under my rulership. You said that everyone, even men of God, needs the deliverance you mentioned. How do we go about it? How can this deliverance be carried out? Oh, it’s by accepting this gospel message. You bring yourself under God’s protection and deliverance, not by going about to pray and things like that, but to receive this message and accept it. And this is the gospel, the prayer of the Church itself for many years now, the Lord’s prayer. Our father, who hath in heaven, may Thy kingdom come, may Thy will be done on earth. So except people accept the message of the kingdom now it has come, they can’t be delivered from all the calamities befalling the world now. 

Many Nigerians go out there to seek spiritual help to better their lives but they fall into the hands of fake men of God who compound their problems. How would you advice such Nigerians so they don’t fall into the hands of fake men of God but genuine ones like yourself? 

The Bible says righteousness exalts a nation, and sin and corruption is a reproach to any people. If you want to be delivered, if you want spiritual help, it’s by turning to a life of righteousness. And I’m the only one God has found righteous in this generation. Like in the days of Noah. God said you’re the only one I’ve found righteous in this generation, and so all that accepted Noah, became the delight of God and got the favour of God. So, as many as could accept me, will definitely be delivered, because I don’t have anything in the world myself, not even a bank account, everybody knows that, so if you want to escape, or if you need solution, you don’t go and meet demons for help, or worldy people for help, just come to the Another Comforter which God has promised the world and who is now on earth in my person. 

Do other men of God, Pastor Adeboye, Bishop Oyedepo, and others feel threatened by you being the Another Comforter who’s the representative of Jesus Christ on earth? What’s your relationship with Adeboye, Oyedepo and co? 

I believe they are aware of me being the Another Comforter. But they probably pretend not to be, because they are church men, and church men, their message is at variance, is not consistent with what Christ preached. Christ said, ‘Don’t know your treasures on earth,’ but these people you talked about, they are millionaires, they have jets everywhere, so we cannot come together. I’m living the life of Christ Himself, following the doctrines of Christ Himself, and they’re coming up with theological interpretations of the Bible, while I live by the doctrines of Christ to exhibit the principles of holiness, but those people are worldly, so we can’t come together. So they’re doing their job as church people, but we’re now talking about the throne and the kingdom of the Father of Christ Jesus which He has promised the world. What you have in this country is materialism, right, and it’s the Church that’s promoting it. So, except they restore the doctrine of righteousness, which I’m preaching now, we’ll kep having corruption and indiscipline, as they are traceable to the Church itself, all these corruption and materialism, and that’s why God said judgement will commence at the House of God, because of this negligence of the truth and misleading the whole world, and that’s why the world will continue to have problems, unless they come to the kingdom and accept my rulership.


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