Ikay pushes Anyi Ga Ebi and Ofu Obi

Extremely talented musician, Ikay, is currently pushing his latest singles, Anyi Ga Ebi and Ofu Obi. The two superlative numbers which are certain to set the music industry on fire were produced by Shobande Mabayoje and the combined duo of Meca E and DJ Suzan Okafor on the second number.

The two songs were mixed and mastered at Sparkle Studios, Los Angeles, USA because “I want my songs to be of the same standard with the top American artists,” explained Ikay.

He added that “I’m not in the industry to make noise but to take it to the next level and anyone who listens to my songs will agree with me that my level is far above what we have in the country at present.”

He concluded that even as his promotion is ongoing in Nigeria, it’s also going on in America from where he returned recently after a meeting with his US promoter.

Way to go, Ikay.


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