The Newell Murder serialization continues 6

Lauren gave the redhead one last look, recalling her earlier fright, wanting to ask her further about it but knowing it was no use. “Thanks. And take care of yourself.”

“You take care of yourself too, sir. We really do hope you come in again soon.”

“I think I will. This first trip’s really been worth it.”

He tipped the yellowhead $10 at his car and stopped off at his pad to hang the WYF in his living room on the wall above his fish tank. Surveying the effect it had on his living room, he decided it was grand.


The following night, he was sat on a stool at the bar of Charm’s, his favourite bar, nursing a glass of Cutty Sark, feeling pleasantly relaxed and happy with the world.

Charm’s, a media hangout, was owned by a former reporter. It was where they stood themselves drinks, helped each other with info, discussed their affairs with their colleagues, talked about their clashes with their superiors, played pool at any of the three regulation pool tables, betting a minimum of ten dollars, and lots other things to do with their industry.

He took a sip of his drink. The bar was crowded as usual and seats were hard to get. The person on the stool beside him left and someone else quickly took the vacancy.

He looked up idly from his whisky at the new occupant, an elegant, fortyish, tall, russet-haired woman with perfect teeth, lips painted purple, big boobs. She was clad in an expensive purple theme Armani evening gown and there was a piercing gleam in her eyes which made Lauren feel she had been smoking marijuana before she came to the hangout.

The woman checked him out too. Their eyes met. “Hi there.” Her voice was sensual.

“Oh, hi.”

“How’re you tonight?”

Lauren wondered if she was trying to pick him up. “I’m doing alright. And ya?”

“Same.” The bartender came over and she ordered Jack Daniel’s. “I’m Cindy Field.”

“Dave Lauren.”

“Dave Lauren? Your name and face are somehow familiar,” she said in the manner of someone trying to recollect something, her brow wrinkled.

“Is this your first time here? I’m not sure I’ve seen you before.”

Note: This is the sixth page of the Oseyiza Oogbodo book, The Newell Murder. More excerpts to follow on this blog. Its weekly serialization began some weeks ago but began again due to some hitches. It's also available digitally on Amazon and many other online stores through the links below. Other Oogbodo books available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Dang Dang and other stores are Short Story Galore, and The Good Life and some other titles exclusive to Amazon for now.                                                        


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