CitizenGO gets Lagos Marie Stopes clinic shut

The proactive international human rights non-governmental organization, CitizenGO, has claimed another major victory in one of its cardinal objectives: fighting against abortion.

The NGO, which has been campaigning aggressively against the Marie Stopes chain of clinics which it says provides illegal abortions in Africa has said that Stopes’ Lagos clinic has now been shut due to its efforts.

According to its email on the closure which was signed by Ann Kioko:

“Marie Stopes has been cornered in Nigeria! Following our campaign to the Ministry of Health in Nigeria, on Tuesday May 21, a combined team of police detectives shut down the Marie Stopes abortion clinic in Lagos.

“Marie Stopes has been a notorious abortion provider especially in Africa where it is illegal. The police conducted thorough searches at the clinic and discovered many abortion files, abortion suction tubes, sterilization instruments, etc.

“Last year, CitizenGO exposed their abortion activities which led to their suspension in Kenya and Niger.

“We want Marie Stopes to close shop in Nigeria as their abortion activities have now been exposed, they are in Nigeria doing illegal activities. According to Barrister Sonnie Ekwuwosi of Christian Lawyers in Nigeria, Nigerians believe that abortion is murder so does their laws.

“This is a great victory for our campaign, and we hope that the Abuja clinic can be shut down too.”

Explaining how the closure was achieved: “On May 21, Lawyer Sonnie Ekwuwusi, a pro-life advocate coordinated and sent a girl to Marie Stopes located in Surulere, Lagos to pretend she needed an abortion. The doctor in charge, Dr. Bernard, was ready to offer the abortion at N30,000.

“Just before they could do it, the police were signaled, raided the clinic, and the doctor was arrested and detained at the police station. Files that prove they’ve been offering abortions were also confiscated and are in police custody.”

She concluded that “recently, these bloodthirsty abortionists were suspended in Kenya and Niger. Tanzania and Uganda are investigating them and soon Malawi will be discussing them in parliament. Marie Stopes partner with abortionists like IPPF to sexualize children, offer them contraception and abortions in pretense of caring for women. They are enemies of women!

“These are some of the hard truths you won't be told by anyone else, its only CitizenGO that can tell you. We are fearless and bold and never get intimidated while defending the rights of pre-born babies and of women who have been hurt or died while procuring abortions.

“If you are pro-woman, please sign our petition and share it widely. Also call for Marie Stopes to be kicked out of Nigeria right now, not tomorrow!

“Now share to your friends this petition:-

Writing from my African office on behalf of the entire CitizenGO team,

Your friend,

Ann Kioko.


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