CSOs warn against ending polio funding

Concerned civil society organizations have issued a stern warning on the diminishing impact of global efforts to eradicate polio in developing countries.

In fact, an epidemic has just been declared in 3 regions of the Democratic Republic of Congo and Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan still have polio.

The CSOs are campaigning thereby that interventions must be strengthened, now more than ever, since the remaining virus pockets are a glaring risk that can lead to new infections if polio’s not eradicated completely.

They’re also concerned by the scheduled ending of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative Funding in 2020, describing it as a threat to the health systems in many countries as the funding is their mainstay.

They’re therefore encouraging all who can support current efforts and help create a polio-free world to donate to Rotary International through endpolio.org and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will increase their donations (until 50 million USD each year) for the next two years.


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