Demons do attack me –Prophet Akindele


Prophet Noah Honour Akindele, JP, also known as Kiniun Jesu is the founder of the Upper Room Ministry group of churches which are affiliated to the Christ Apostolic Church Worldwide. OSEYIZA OOGBODO BLOG met with him recently and he spoke about his clerical work and its challenges which are mortally risky sometimes.

What are your strengths as a man of God? Is it prophesying, miracles and healing sick people, what’s your main strength?

My main strength is that when I stand before people or before anybody, God will reveal to me what is happening in that area or to those people. That is number one. And He will surely tell me what to do as a solution to whatever that’s happening there. Then He gave me authority to heal the sick ones. Not only that, any difficulty, problem, God gave me power and grace to speak and there’ll be turnaround on it.

So, do you face any challenges yourself? We know that even Jesus Christ was tempted by the devil, He faced many challenges, He was persecuted and killed unjustly, so do you face any challenges yourself in the carrying out of God’s duties?

Yes I face challenges because as far as you’re in the world, every day you live in this world is a challenge for you. Yes. Any day you wake up, as far as you’re still alive, that day is a challenge. So I face a lot of challenges in the ministry, but we thank God we’re overcoming them. Jesus Christ also faced challenges, Abraham faced challenges, Paul faced challenges, David faced challenges and many others like that and they overcame. We have a lot of challenges in Christianity, in Christendom, in the Church concerning the members and even the ministers of God that we employ to work with us. So a lot of challenges every day but we thank God that we’re moving forward.

Let’s talk about principalities now. Do they attack you? Do demons attack you to prevent you from carrying out …

(Cuts in passionately)Demons attack every day. But the Bible says our weapon is not carnal but strong in the Lord to pull down every stronghold. Demons use to come. The Bible says we’re not fighting against flesh or blood but against the principalities, the unseen spirits. They come every day, but the Bible says in Jesus’ name, every knee shall bow. So they come all the time. Sometimes when we’re having prayer programme, deliverance programme, the demon will leave the person we’re trying to deliver and now face us as a man of God. And we’ll be fighting. So we do fight them and destroy them. There was a time I was going to Ibadan and a demon attacked me as I was driving, telling me that you drove me away from that woman, I’ve come now to attack you. As he was talking, next thing I knew, one of my tires burst. I had to park and change the damaged tire with the extra one. As I was going, he said ehn ehn, you have changed it, another one will burst and another one burst truly. Then I said, I’ll not change this tire, I’ll drive this motor like that to Ibadan, you demon, go and die by fire in the name of Jesus. That’s how I didn’t see him again. And I drove that motor from after Ogere to Ibadan like that with a spoilt tire. That’s how I overcame that demon. Then on my way coming back to Lagos, the person I delivered before I embarked on that journey, the woman was already healed from the evil sickness she was having. She had pain in her leg from a wound for over six years and couldn’t walk well but could now do so again. A woman of fifty-four years.


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