NGO locks horns with alleged Kenya pornographic show

A Kenya TV show, 10 Over 10, has been alleged to be pornographic and therefore unsuitable for public consumption by the international non-governmental organization, CitizenGO.

And as is usual with the NGO which campaigns against immoral issues and human rights abuses worldwide, it is ready to battle the show which it says has angered parents who also want it cancelled and replaced with better content.

According to an email by Ann Kioko of CitizenGO: “Over 18,000 parents and angry Kenyans have signed our petition asking the group director of Royal Media Services that hosts Citizen TV to end the show.

10 Over 10 is the worst thing on air every Friday night. It parades tens of indecently dressed youth who dance and twerk live on television. The almost naked youth dance in sexually provocative styles while the disc jockey makes sure to spin the dirtiest of songs.

“As concerned citizens, parents and family members, let's show host Willis Raburu and the managing director of the network, Wachira Waruru, that we’ll not stand for such poor content on television. Join us and deliver the signatures of our online petition to demand 10 Over 10 be taken off the airwaves on Wednesday, 4th of December, to Waruru.

“We are also gathering more and more evidence against the show,as we will exhaust all means to make sure it’s cancelled.”

CitizenGO is a community of active citizens that seeks to defend life, the family and fundamental rights worldwide.

To contact CitizenGO, use this link:


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