Bitter taste of failure ... Jesse Jagz eats the humble pie

If there’s one prayer virtually everyone prays on a consistent basis, it’s to be successful, not a failure, because while the taste of success is very sweet, that of failure is the polar opposite, very bitter. It’s bitterer still when you’ve tasted the sweetness of success, then had to taste failure, you’ll realize it’s so distasteful that you wouldn’t want even your worst enemy to taste it. This is exactly the case of talented singer-rapper-producer Jesse Jagz. Through the machinations of the respected entertainment outfit, Chocolate City, Jagz rose to fame and prominence. He was courted by the A-listers of entertainment and his future was believed to be brighter still. But maybe success went into his head, as it does into those of some entertainers, as he turned his back on CC three years ago and struck out on his own. But he hasn’t done well on his own and has now retraced his steps back to CC. Oh well, there’s no shame in the dog returning to its stool.


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