Gideon Okeke dares his wife

Celebrated actor, Gideon Okeke, has gotten his first tattoo and told the world about it. “Ink it,” he posted with the video of him getting the tattoo. “I answer to three people. The first is the All-Seeing, All-Forgiving, Ever-Patient, Ever-Loving. The second is unconditionally loving but will definitely flip an eyebrow … then understand with time. And the third … well, she’s not old enough yet.” Tattoos are very popular in the world presently and they are especially more popular about celebrities who go to the extreme regarding their own tattoos and make it seem as if a celebrity who doesn’t have a tattoo is not hip. Lots of celebrities have tattoos all over their bodies and the tattoos sometimes are to represent incidences in their lives at different times. But even as Okeke is excited about his tattoo, which he got in America, he should remember that he should be very careful about emotional tattoos, such as those that bear the name or face of a spouse or romantic partner, becuas eif anything should happen to the relationship, the tattoo becomes a problem oh.


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